How to remove dirt from TPE sex doll within 10 seconds

One of the scariest things a new tpe love doll owner can experience is accidentally hurting their sex dolls. You have finished your investigation, found the best sex love doll and waited for her arrival for several weeks. And you took the time to read our Real Doll User Guide. You are all fine! How your new sex doll was able to hurt the free skin that hurt her. To be afraid, the owner of an experienced sex love doll will tell you that dirt is rare but inevitable. This is especially true if you buy lots of new clothes for your love doll, or if you are going to wear them for a long time.

What causes adult toy skin stains?
Although it is very strong and elastic, the skin of the sex doll is porous. This means that there are small holes that give her softness, but it can absorb moisture and make her vulnerable to stains. The most common reasons for a love doll being stained are exposure to a new darker cloth or fitted clothing with a stretchy garbage band. New fabrics often contain extra dye that can soak into the doll’s skin after prolonged contact. The guide below will show you step by step to remove discoloration from your sex love doll’s skin and make it visible again to its new factory. This guide works for both TPE and silicone sex dolls.

How to Fix a Sex Doll Stain:
Step 1: Get your own love doll detergent. This detergent is also available on many Love Doll sales websites, you can buy it according to your preference, or you can send us an email.

Step 2: Use a cotton swab or tip to apply solvent to dirt. Make your real doll a realistic girl. Do not overpower while wiping the love doll. Its skin is easily broken.

Step 3: Wiping takes about 10-60 seconds, depending on the depth of the stain.

Step 4: After removing the dirt, wipe the surface of the TPE doll with a clean cotton swab or tip to remove the solvent and dirt. You have it! Using the above method, you can clean light stains within 10 seconds and dark stains by waiting slightly longer than 60 seconds.