What Is the Best Time of Day to Have Sex?

The best time to eat: When you’re hungry. Exercise: When you can. Have sex: Um… whenever possible?

For most of us, life’s practicalities determine when we do what. But for certain daily events, there may be an ideal time. “ ’When’ is the ultimate life hack,” says sleep psychologist Michael Breus, author of The Power of  When. “Knowing when allows you to perform the ‘what’ and ‘how’ to your maximum potential.”
Morning sex vs. evening sex – it’s an age-old conflict, usually with men on one side and women on the other. Men wake up aroused, so morning is prime time. But women often prefer evenings, when things have relaxed a bit – after work and chores are done and children are put to bed.

Despite the long held theory that morning time is the right time for great sex, hormone expert Alisa Vitti says the real magic hour is actually 3 p.m., giving some scientific backup to the whole idea of afternoon delight.

Vitti told the Daily Mail that around 3 p.m., women have high levels of the hormone cortisol, which makes you more energetic and alert. Around the same time, men have an increase in estrogen (the female hormone that’s also found in men), which Vitti said makes them “more emotionally present” during sex. In other words: Men are more likely to actually focus on what you want, instead of jumping straight into the action.

We already know that only about half of women are able to orgasm from penetration alone, so the early morning quickie isn’t exactly ideal. Most women need a bit more than that to orgasm. And, according to Vitti’s hormone theory, you’re more likely to get a guy to go do a bit more later in the day.

The 3 p.m. sex time slot is a bit of a compromise, though. Since testosterone builds over night, men are particularly raring to go in the morning, when testosterone is basically stockpiled in their bodies. But with all those sex hormones surging, the likelihood that a guy’s going to slow things down enough at 7 a.m. (before you’ve have even had coffee) to suit your sexual needs is, um, not great. Testosterone levels lower in men by 3 p.m., meaning they might be in less of a rush. (Plus, no morning breath.)

Sadly, 3 p.m. is a super inconvenient time for most people to have sex, unless your boss is incredibly cool.  https://www.yourdoll.com/